Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lesson Three: Knobs

The burner is one of the most important elements of your stove. If you were to place a pot of water on the stove with the intent of cooking pasta, the water will NOT boil unless you turn the little knob that activates its heating mechanism. These circular objects are located in various places on a stove. Where you will find them depends upon how sneaky the stove manufacturer is. Generally they are engraved with cryptic letters such as Hi and Lo.

The letters are not ancient symbols of greetings among cooks. In the advanced cookery class, we'll discuss what the letters really mean. Yes, this is a little teaser line designed to get you to come back!

For today, just remember - pasta will not boil up in your pot unless the knob is first turned to Hi (not the opposite of Goodbye)... and a pot of water must be placed upon the burner... and the pot must be well watched.

No homework, just go eat a good meal.


  1. But...but....I thought a watched pot never boils! Lol

    1. Mimi, it is time for a review of the Watched Pot: http://distractedpalate.blogspot.com/2011/06/lesson-one.html
